What Are Cooling Tower Louvers
Written by Brian B

What Is A Forced Draft Cooling Tower?

Forced draft cooling towers are a powerful yet economical cooling technology utilized today in many industrial plants.

Forced Draft Cooling Towers

There are many benefits of using a forced draft cooling tower. And that is exactly why so many industrial plants opt for this model over the other options. Forced draft cooling towers are very powerful and affordable at the same time. These models will remove low-potential heat that is generated in the production process. A counterflow of air combined with hot water results in a transfer of heat in the cooling fill. Paper and chemical industry plants often prefer to used forced draft cooling towers.

Forced Draft Cooling Tower Components

Here is a look at all of the components making up a forced draft cooling tower:

  • Fan stack.
  • Fan with drive.
  • Cooling fill.
  • Drift eliminators.
  • Outer shell.
  • Water basin.
  • Water distribution system.

Forced Draft Vs Induced Draft Cooling Towers

So, how do forced draft models differ from induced draft towers? Induced draft versions feature a fan at the top of tower, pulling the air upward. Fans in induced draft cooling towers then induce the hot, moist air out of the discharge. A powerful exit air velocity reduces any possible recirculation within the tower as the end result. That is the main goal for these models: to eliminate the possibility of any discharged air flowing back into the air intake area.

Induced draft implies an inlet fan placed atop the tower, which creates low pressure. Forced draft, meanwhile, features an exhaust fan at the base of tower. This will then create the overpressure. Both centrifugal and axial fans can be used in forced draft models.

Induced Draft Features

  • Low-absorbed capacity.
  • Higher noise level than forced draft.
  • Humid air stream drive.
  • Requires little space for installation.

Forced Draft Features

  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Lower noise levels.
  • Dry air stream drive.
  • Low-absorbed capacity.

Cooling Tower Installation, Replacement, & Refurbishment in Arizona & Nevada

Our team offers complete cooling tower refurbishment that will save your company tens of thousands of dollars over buying and installing new cooling towers.  Cooling tower refurbishment and rebuilding adds about another 15 years of life to your equipment and helps you get your money’s worth out of your original investment in your cooling tower or property. We offer cooling tower installation, replacement, and refurbishment in Arizona and Nevada. We also sell other cooling tower parts and products.

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